Thursday, February 08, 2007

Xando vs Aili

Xando, and before that we had Expressions and Jean Yip. Now the Americans have Aili.

Kinda ironic because Aili sounds like a Chinese name (I actually have a friend named Aili) while we tried to be exotic/Western sounding.

My beef with weight loss products as always is that you can lose weight by natural means, so why choose artificially induced means? I mean you can exercise, which is much better - build muscles, improve overall health and lose weight. That was how the cavemen did it. They dragged their women around and speared prehistoric chickens that had claws and sharp teeth.

Secondly, these products mess with your body. They trick your body into doing something its not supposed to do. And everyone knows if you mess with something, it will mess back with you. Side effects like oily stools and diarrhoea (hey i managed to spell that)? No way man. That's probably like the common side-effects. What about the less common side effects? Cancer? Liver failure? Safe, my ass.

Of course the counter-argument is that some obese people just can't seem to turn back the fats and need extra help. If so, let such cases be reviewed by a doctor. Let the doctor decide whether say surgery might work, or even drugs. For in those cases, they face a bleak future of having high possibiities of heart attack and high blood pressure etc. So they might as well take weight control pills.

But making such drugs over-the-counter is just tempting abuse. Girls who are already skinny wanting to get skinnier. Dude, these drugs typify why some people are fat - laziness.

Get out run, gym, swim, play footy, beat up a capitalist selling weight loss drugs - whatever. Do something.

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